Killing Floor 2 – Crossplay Between PC, PS4, Xbox Explained

Killing Floor 2 – Crossplay Between PC, PS4, Xbox Explained

Killing Floor 2 is a first-person shooter from the horror genre where you must cooperate with other players to fend off increasingly dangerous waves of enemies. The game has found a new resurgence in 2024, thanks to a free weekend and a massive discount across all platforms, which will continue for a few more days. New players are curious: Does Killing Floor 2 have crossplay, and if so, between which platforms? Our guide will clear this up for you!

So what about crossplay?

Thanks to the recent free weekend and a huge price discount, Killing Floor 2 has gained popularity again, attracting many new players. One of the most frequently asked questions is whether the game supports cross-platform play.

The answer is yes, but with limitations. Crossplay in Killing Floor 2 exists only between Steam and the Epic Games Store. To play with friends, you’ll need to ensure that everyone has an Epic Games Store (EGS) account, and your friends will need to accept your friend request. Alternatively, you can join the same server together.

Unfortunately, cross-platform play between PC and consoles, or between PlayStation and Xbox, has not been implemented. The chances of this changing are slim, as the game has been on the market for several years without any significant updates to crossplay functionality. Perhaps in the third installment of Killing Floor, this feature might be added, though nothing has been confirmed yet.

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